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Brutal Enemas

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    Abbys First Enema Was More Than She Could Bear

    Please Note: All content on this site is Role Playing Fantasy only. All content is consensual.

    Degrading Enemas - Abbys First Enema Was More Than She Could Bear

    Clip Description

    Abby has never had an enema before. So jr decides to place a collar around her neck, fill her colon with 3 qts. Of water and then pull her blue jeans back on. Then he ties her neck up to the ceiling and leaves her for what will ultimately come out. She was beyond mortified and even asked for the camera to be turned off --but we didn't do that.

    Clip Duration:      11 minutes
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    wmv134.7 MB

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    Degrading Enemas - Abbys First Enema Was More Than She Could Bear

    Degrading Enemas - Abbys First Enema Was More Than She Could Bear

    Degrading Enemas - Abbys First Enema Was More Than She Could Bear

    Degrading Enemas - Abbys First Enema Was More Than She Could Bear

    Degrading Enemas - Abbys First Enema Was More Than She Could Bear

    Degrading Enemas - Abbys First Enema Was More Than She Could Bear

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    Goldie Gets A Degrading Enema  Release - She is waiting because she has too. Naked, jr has her in the fucking position. She can?T get out of it because her ankles and wrists are locked into stocks bolted to the floor. Her ass is high in the air while her face is pushed up against the concrete floor. You see, jr found out she works in the health care industry where she gives little old ladies enemas when they are constipated. She has never had one herself, at least, not yet. But that is exactly what jr has in mind for her. He peppers her with questions. He wants to know the typical client she gives an enema too. How they react. Whether she likes doing it. When satisfied he saunters over to the 5 qt. Enema bag ******* off the iv stand and pulls it closer to her asshole. He unhooks the nozzle from the stand, lets a bit of water flow through to flush the system and then promptly sticks it up her bung hole. She makes the slightest sound when the nozzle bottoms out. Jr waste no time letting the water flow. He tells her he put castile peppermint soap in the water for a more cleansing, urgent effect. A few moments later he ask her if she can fill it penetrating her body boundary. She tells him it feels really weird, then tells him she feels nauseous. In fact, she doesn?T like how it is making her feel. She lets him know she is having a serious cramp and begins to squirm around. Clearly things are getting urgent for her quickly. She begins to shriek and cry out, she keeps picking her head up and tossing it about. She tells him she feels ?Horrible?. One foot seems to shake back and forth mindlessly. She tells him again she feels like throwing up. He takes his foot and pushes a tin pail close to her face. After a few more minutes goldie starts to beg jr to let her release the enema. She becomes increasingly desperate, increasingly a person without boundaries. He lets her know if she releases it she is going to be doing so in front of him, into a bucket. She doesn?T care at this point. Her only objective is to get the water out of her colon as soon as possible ?Hopefully before throwing up. He wants her to ask for it and tells her to do so. He wants to hear her ask for permission to release her enema into a bucket before he is going to actually let her. After making her repeat the question several times he finally unhooks her from the stocks. She waste no time getting sat down over that bucket. Mortified and **********, she starts letting the contents of her asshole fly. She wants to look down at the floor while it is taking place but jr orders her to stare directly at you, the viewer, while she unloads herself. She clearly doesn?T like that idea and repeatedly tries to look away only to have jr yell at her to look back at you, the viewer. It is so *********** to her she almost begins to cry. Looks wash across her face we have never seen from her before. She tells him ?This is difficult?. Then we start to hear the water exit her ass and hit the inside of the bucket. It sounds like a dude pissing into a metal container. It seems to just go on and on until finally jr tells her how bad it stinks in the room now. It still doesn?T stop. He barks at her to keep staring at the camera and all the while she is shaking her head back and forth. He makes her stop her stream and get up. He wants her to look inside the bucket and tell him what she sees in there. When she sits back down a heavy stream starts to unload. Jr immediately ask her what that noise is, to describe what is happening. He is hell bent on making her as ********** as possible. When she finally lets him know that she has finished releasing the contents of her colon jr tells her to get off the bucket and pull it close to her. He wants her to describe what she finds in there. When he ask her about the brown stuff she recoils, she doesn?T like addressing that subject, but he makes her anyway. After making her talk about her **** and what dinner made what turd he tells her to pick the bucket up and dump it out in front of her. She is speechless, dumbfounded. She ask him to clarify. She simply cannot believe what he just told her to do. She asks again if she heard him right. To her horror she heard him perfectly. With immense trepidation she clutches the bucket. Two fingers on her right hand tap it neurotically. She hesitates. Then suddenly she swings into motion and the contents of her asshole are now lying about the floor in front of her. If she thought she was done being **********, she was wrong.

    Ash Releases Her Enema Through Her Tight Jeans Then Gets Locked - Ash showed up and told jr how much she dislikes getting an enema. So he leaves her dressed, wraps a chain around her waist and manacles her wrists to it, then marches her to the old out building and puts a collar around her neck. He attaches a chain to the collar and then attaches the other end to the ceiling above her. ****** To stand in heels that are too tight and too small for her, he then puts a spreader bar between her legs. That's followed by a giant black ball gag stuffed in her face hole. After fucking with her by placing a clear bag over her head he pulls her jeans down and gives her a 4 qt. Enema. She moans out in displeasure, holding her stomach from the cramps she feels inside. Once her bowels are full he pulls her pants back up and fastens them. Gasping for air she yells out that she is about to **** herself. Jr lets her know that's her problem and suddenly a wash of brown liquid fills her pants, runs down both legs, into her heels and on the floor. She is utterly **********. The smell in the room is inescapable. She tells him she doesn't have any more in her but he knows better. Pulling the water tight clear cage around he unhooks her and makes her crawl inside of it, then locks it shut. He lets her know she isn't coming out until she has released everything.

    Meis Enema Release In A Waterproof Cage - She is again in the old out building, nude. A metal collar around her neck has a short chain that falls down the center of her back. Her wrists are manacled to it. Ball gagged, she is squatting inside of a clear cage suspended from the ceiling. An iv stand is close by with a bag holding four quarts of water with castile peppermint soap mixed inside. The hose from the bag runs down and snakes inside of the cage --right into her asshole. She nervously looks around, unsure of what is next, but certain that she is about to be filled inside her tiny body to capacity. She is about to be made to do something very personal, even base. She has the appearance of an animal on display at a zoo for humans. A clanging of something metal can be heard, a constant sound produced by the movement of her body inside the cage. Jr comes out and walks right to the iv stand, releasing the flow of water into her colon. With her ball gagged face she watches him and the bag of fluid closely. Still squatting, she begins to move her body about after the first quart, fidgeting. Jr inquires whether she is beginning to feel full and she shakes her head up and down vigorously. Somehow her tiny body is able to take the whole four quarts of fluid, her face showing the discomfort that it brings. Jr walks away telling her she needs to hold it as long as she can. That she needs to yell through the thick glass of the cage and ask for permission to release it in front of us. She needs to ****, and bad. Her face tells you everything you need to know about that situation without her speaking a word. Her sphincter is clinched as tight as she can clinch it, yet the ***** of release is starting to win the battle. He warns her to hold it. Wave after wave of discomfort washes over her, growing more intense and closer together each time. Jr comes back over to her and grabs the cage, swinging it wildly back and forth, rotating it in quick motions. Her cramps grow more intense. Almost in tears, in severe discomfort and a face wet with slobber she is unable to take it any longer. She calls out to him and request permission to be able to do that most basic of human acts --****. To release the contents of her asshole in front of us as we watch with rapt attention. Jr gives her that permission and with a sudden explosion a wash of fluid tears out of her asshole and fills the waterproof cage she is confined in. Moments later another wave hits her and water flows from her bung hole like a faucet in your house. Soon she is squatting in her own filth, waves of fluid cascading over her tiny feet. Only her and god knows what it smells like inside there. Jr comes back to her and begins twisting and swirling that cage once more. The fluid crashing all around her feet, ankles and claves. Jr leaves her there knowing full well she has more fluid inside her that needs to come out.

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